There are some people who love to jump on the bandwagon with each new outlet of social media. They have a Facebook page, a Twitter account and take advantage of things like Pinterest. And then there are those that ask themselves if they are really going to benefit from using something before they sign up to take part in it all. If you're looking for new ways to advertise what is going on with your cupcake business - click here shop or want another way to communicate with those in your social circle then you might want to consider starting to tweet on Twitter.

Twitter explains that they are trying to provide small bursts of information in an easier way to those that might be interested. Every tweet can be no more than 140 characters long and you will find that everyone from major celebrities to a dentist Mississauga based are sharing their comments, photos, and conversations with those in their life on this site. This is basically a quick and simple way of telling people where you are or what you're thinking about throughout the day.

Some popular Twitter feeds you may be interested in following:

The Weather Network

If you're not someone who wants to advertise your thoughts on learning how do code or html or who would want to rave about the restaurant where you just had lunch then you can still get something out of Twitter. There are many people who like to follow the tweets of people that they find interesting, from sports stars to comedians. And then there are those that follow the tweets of their favorite stores or other companies looking for deals and upcoming events.

Twitter is used throughout the world and is available on many different devices. If you're someone with a Smartphone then you will likely find that this is something that you can do from anywhere. If you want to talk about the furniture that you're interested in buying for your new home or want to talk about your day at school then you can do that in a matter of seconds from anywhere with an Internet or cell phone connection. There are millions of people currently using Twitter and you will likely find that there are several people that you know and admire that are using this service. If you give it a chance you could be following celebrities in luxury homes, high school friends and clothing designers you adore all at the same time.

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